Advice for Hot Weather | Southside Messenger

2022-08-19 22:13:05 By : Mr. Owen Hu

Goodness gracious, it’s HOT! Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.  This past June was proven to be the hottest on record, July also, and August is now trying to top those!

Isn’t it strange how the public has to be warned about hot weather?  On the national news, a man got first-degree burns on his feet when he jumped up and ran across hot pavement to catch the mailman.  Actually, he only got halfway across before he realized that he didn’t have his shoes on and that his feet were burning.  He got down and put his feet in the air as neighbors, with shoes on, had to pick him up and carry him back to his lawn.  His feet had to be treated and bandaged!

This reporter can identify with that story. Wearing only sandals down to the beach one morning to set up our tent, I decided to stay after other family members arrived.  Well, time flew by and I needed to go in for lunch.  As I ran through the hot sand to get to the steps, the sand was hot enough to burn large blisters on my two big toes.  Needless to say, I spent most of that week walking around with two bandaged toes.  Never will I not wear my sand shoes to the beach! The sand might feel cool early in the morning but that sun heats things up!

How many news stories have you heard or read about children or animals left in hot vehicles? Almost every day someone leaves a child in a car while they run to do a “quick” errand.  That few minutes can be disastrous.  It’s not safe to leave a child or animal in a vehicle at all, especially during hot weather. The interior can become as hot as an oven in just a few minutes.  Also remember that the pavement and the bed of a pickup truck are too hot for a pet’s tender paws.

There also have been reports about sleeping children left in day care vehicles. Can no one be trusted to do his or her job? Even buses get too hot when the air conditioner is off.  One situation involved a parked bus with a sleeping child inside.  The driver forgot to check all the seats after the children got off at the day care facility.  Luckily, another driver heard the whimpering child later in the morning.

Also, be careful when shopping for groceries on these extremely hot days.  Prepare before traveling to the grocery store by carrying coolers with ice or insulated bags to keep cold items cool while returning home.  Food can spoil in a very short time during very hot weather.

If one has to work outside, be sure to stay hydrated.  Carry an ice-filled cooler to work and drink plenty of water and Gatorade.  Take breaks often, wear a big hat to protect ears and face, apply sunscreen, and wear a wet bandana around your neck.  Dip that bandana often in the melted ice in your cooler.

The caps that most men (and some girls) wear are inviting cancer trouble to one’s ears.  If wearing a cap, please invest in a 45-50 sunscreen and keep applying while working or playing outside.  Check into buying a wide-brimmed hat to protect face, neck and ears! There are some nice-looking hat selections available for skin protection.  I noticed that roofing guys at the beach were wearing sombrero-type hats while installing shingles on new cottages.  What bothered me most was the fact that these young men were not wearing shirts!

We are not out of the hot weather yet so please use common sense. Use sunscreen, stay as cool as possible, try to work outside in the mornings and wear light-colored clothing.  Stay hydrated!

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